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Dramatherapy - Anna Szymanowska

Description of the method

We work in an indirect way in the safe framework of the dramatic distance through:

  • various games and plays, elements of art, music, dance and movement
  • making stories being based on well known fairytales and also on made-up stories by the clients
  • role play, improvisation

Dramatherapy makes it possible to work, with various problems that torment us and with the burning feelings, in the safe framework of dramatic distance with acknowledgment of individual needs each participant.
In this case, acting abilities are not as essential as is the experience of each situation which serves internal growth and enriches our self-awareness.
Mutual respect, honesty, and trust enhance the feeling of security until the moment when participants feel ready to open up and start their own healing process. With time, acceptance of own feelings as well as the feelings of people surrounding us becomes possible.
Besides this, the goal of a Dramatherapist is creation of such conditions where dramatherapy could be for all its participants a satisfying experience at various levels.